Wales’ loss was France’s gain!!
We were pleasantly surprised to be visiting Calais on Saturday when, for some time, we had planned to fly to Caernarfon. This was not a navigational error but a cunning ruse to avoid the worst of the showery weather! With sparkling visibility and fairly smooth conditions, both Max and Neil, two of our keenest students, gained some valuable experience and thoroughly excelled themselves. A casual observer would have thought they were well-experienced pilots rather than the low-hours students that they are! Jeff, David, Neville and George travelled in style in G-AVEH, although the extra speed was not so advantageous this time, as the C172 consistently managed to turn up after the showers had cleared!!
Calais airfield makes a cheaper and quieter alternative to Le Touquet, being unencumbered with any form of ATC at the weekend!
Un jour fantastique was had by all; the only drawback being that with 4-up in the 172, there was no space for cheese or wine!